$5 off $25 EST. 1935 reen Mill Not valid with any other coupons discounts, dine in only. Valid at Shoreview Location only. Expires August 31st, 2019 RESTAURANT AND BAR or Happy Slice of Shoreview Dayo! Green Mill EST. 1935 RESTAURANT AND BAR 1000 Gramsie Road, Shoreview, MN 55126 i 651-482-1600 www.greenmill.com 1000 Gramsie Road, Shoreview 651-482-1600 www.greenmill.com $5 off $25 EST. 1935 reen Mill Not valid with any other coupons discounts, dine in only. Valid at Shoreview Location only. Expires August 31st, 2019 RESTAURANT AND BAR or Happy Slice of Shoreview Dayo! Green Mill EST. 1935 RESTAURANT AND BAR 1000 Gramsie Road, Shoreview, MN 55126 i 651-482-1600 www.greenmill.com 1000 Gramsie Road, Shoreview 651-482-1600 www.greenmill.com