tallmank 10% off Happy Stice of Shoreview Days! Your Total Purchase Cannot be combined with any other offers. Excludes sale items and ornaments Expires 8/31/19 Anna's Hallark 1073 Hwy. 96W, Shoreview, MN Hallmark 651.482.1284 Sun: 12pm 5pm Mon-Fri: 10am - 9pm | Sat: 10am - 5:30pm 1073 Hwy. 96W, Shoreview, MN 651.482.1284 tallmank 10% off Happy Stice of Shoreview Days! Your Total Purchase Cannot be combined with any other offers. Excludes sale items and ornaments Expires 8/31/19 Anna's Hallark 1073 Hwy. 96W, Shoreview, MN Hallmark 651.482.1284 Sun: 12pm 5pm Mon-Fri: 10am - 9pm | Sat: 10am - 5:30pm 1073 Hwy. 96W, Shoreview, MN 651.482.1284